Green Maids Cleaning, LLC serves Southern Maine and the Seacoast of New Hampshire.

Contact Green Maids Cleaning, LLC

Contact us by phone or email at any time to get an estimate for the most thorough cleaning services in Southern Maine, the New Hampshire Seacoast and the North Shore of Massachusetts.

Our services are so detailed and complete, you get a deep clean EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Providing this level of service on every visit to your home takes time, attention to detail, and an excellent, well-trained team of house cleaning professionals. That’s why our prices are higher than you may be used to. Once you experience the Green Maids Cleaning difference, you’ll never settle for less again.

We work to respond to all emails and phone calls in a timely fashion. Thank you for your interest in Green Maids Cleaning, LLC!

Green Maids Cleaning, LLC
3612 Lafayette Road, Dept. 1
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Phone: (603) 605-0242

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