Green Maids Cleaning, LLC serves Southern Maine, the Seacoast of New Hampshire and the North Shore of Massachusetts.

Gardening: Grow Your Own Vegetables

Most of us will remember from high school biology that plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce oxygen as a byproduct of their respiratory systems and their photosynthesis processes. Since we know that an abundance of greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide! – trap heat within our atmosphere and contribute to Global Warming and climate change, it would only make sense that we should grow more plants to help diminish some of that excess CO2.

Growing your own vegetable garden will help play a part in battling the effects of Global Warming. Even if it’s a small step, it’s a step in the right direction. There are other environmental impacts to this as well. The produce you buy at big-name grocery stores are often flown in from other parts of the country or world, which is a tremendous use of energy and fuel. You might not be the best gardener at the start, but give it time. Before you know it, you’ll be embracing your new hobby and your dinner table will be overflowing with homegrown vegetables.

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